
Pastors & Ministry Team

Kyle Spencer

Ministry Director/ Executive Director

Entering the ministry at the wet behind the ear age of 17, I was over my head, but I knew that God had a calling on my life. As time went on, I messed up and fell into sin time and time again. When I thought that I am not good enough for ministry, maybe not even good enough to serve God, God showed up for my wife and I with outstretched arms and I soon realized that as much as I thought I knew about God, it was not even the tip of the iceberg. God brought me through some heinous sin lifestyles. And through Jesus Christ I have been forgiven and uplifted.

During a shift in culture and a change in life as I knew it, God planted a seed for this ministry into my soul. I'm here to share with you in a REAL way what God has for you. I don't sugar coat things and I am unapologetic for speaking the things that God has placed in my heart. I come from the highs and lows in life and everything in-between.  I know that if God can use a man like me and the gifts that he has given me for His glory, He can use you too.

Henry Roman

Ministry Leader/Board Member

Coming Soon!

Rebekah Spencer

First Lady

Coming Soon!

Preston Spencer


Coming Soon!